The Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) is the document that is submitted by local councils presenting a summary of their audit and financial information.
The Annual Governance Statement is a document signed by the council confirming whether it conforms to certain financial, accounting and auditing measures.
The Annual Internal Audit is a signed checklist showing whether certain aspects of the council running has been internally reviewed, and whether the council conforms.
Under the Transparency Code for smaller authorities, including Parish Councils, are requred to publish annually details of ny expenditure greater than £100.00
This Scheme of Delegation forms part of the Council’s Financial Regulations and Standing Orders. The purpose of this document is to clearly define the parameters within which the Clerk/RFO of the Council can act without reference to Councillors.
The purpose of this document is to help residents of Great and Little Hampden parish understand the planning process, the involvement of the Parish Council in the process and to ‘manage’ parishioner expectations in respect of our involvement.
This policy sets out the procedure to ensure there is compliance with legislation and continuity of procedures in the co-option of members to Great and Little Hampden Parish Council.
A web accessibility statement is an information page on your website that clearly states the level of web accessibility to which the website aims to conform.
A privacy policy is a statement or legal document that discloses some or all of the ways a party gathers, uses, discloses, and manages a customer or client's data.
This details whether the council has signed the Civility and Respect pledge. This is a project between NALC, SLCC and OVW to help councils show their zero tolerance for bullying, harassment and intimidation in local councils.