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Become a Parish Councillor

Are you interested in the life of your village, your parish, your local environment, recreational facilities, local transport/traffic, planning and housing issues? Just a few of the areas where we get involved to help make a difference to our community.

Published: 6 October 2023

The Parish Council is five members of the public.

 We have a vacancy – will YOU come and join us?

If you are interested in becoming a Parish Councillor, please send an email to the Parish Clerk by Friday 20 October 2023.  The Clerk will send you Co-option and Eligibility Application Form to complete (also available on our website – within our co-option policy document).

Please note, all Parish Councillors are volunteers; they are not paid.

 Nick Baxter

Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer

Great and Little Hampden Parish Council


GH advert for vacancy Oct 2023

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